#plus it does have templars in it
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hard-times-paramore · 3 months ago
Hi! Unicorn Anon here, from Sharon's DMs. I saw your response. Good thing I was still on time to send this ask!
What can you tell me about Age of Empires? I thought it was a multiplayer game, didn't even know it had a story. From what I could see, it reminds me of what I know about Assassin's Creed 3. Makes sense that you included that Kaniehtí:io cameo.
Age of Empires is a game series from the late 90s to mid 2000s, and it's a Real Time Strategy game where you basically build towns and armies to fight other towns and armies. It's mostly known for it's multiplayer, yeah. I don't even think the first game has a story mode. The second does but it's very simple, cutscene slides with a historical overview that gives your game level unique objectives while playing against AI instead of other players.
The third one had a - also very simple - story mode with a fictional story about several generations of a mixed Native family fighting cultists who wanted the Fountain of Youth so they could conquer the world. Each campaign had 8 levels, and the story is told in a very superficial manner. You can see all the cutscenes here if you want.
The thing is I've played this game since I was 7, so I got attached to that simple story and characters. They were my toys growing up. So I wrote that fanfic about them. Also as a way to write about disability and flex mine and specially Sharon's research skills about the American colonial era.
Which is exactly what led us to discover Assassin's Creed. We found AC3 first. A couple of the chapters from AoE3 takes place in the exact years that span AC3, and both games feature Kanien'keha:ka characters (Connor's ethnicity). That's why I snuck a Kaniehtí:io cameo in my fic later on.
I wish I could give you an epic crossover between Age of Empires 3 and Assassin's Creed 3, though most of the ideas would be extrapolated from the game's brief plot and probably make Aoe3 look way deeper than it is. Plus I haven't found anyone else that also has that same fondness for this game - save from the people I dragged into it myself.
Could be a fun idea though. Hey, Assassin's Creed fans, consider playing that!
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demigoddessqueens · 8 months ago
Hay, I read your writing about Assassin's Creed with the s/o befriending the crow population. I was wondering if you can make one with the s/o befriending the Hawk population if that's OK if you you don't have to do it if you don't want to. (Pls I'm a new subscribers to your blog). So have a good day keep up with your writing.💗
Oh hey!! Thank you so much for following and your request, and welcome 🤗 💕 im glad you’re here
Masterlist 10
A/n - I don’t remember who I wrote for the crow population one, but I’ll do the main leads for this one 😆😁
While it’s no eagle, he admires the same prowess they have as an eagle and sometimes decorates his person with their feathers as it reminds him of you
Well he does like them better than the pesky pigeons, plus your hawks like when he strokes and pets their feathers
Thinks it’s so cute whenever these hawks follow you around, and he sees it as a sigh of acceptance when they perch on him or nuzzle against him
Not as noisy as a crow or pigeon, but he is sometimes indifferent to your pet birds. At least they keep you out of trouble that follows Templars
Your hawks make for great companions on The Morrigan as it can get lonesome at times when the sails are longer than normal
He also warms up to your pet hawks, mostly because they’re a lot nicer than any of the aggressive seagulls
He’s already so protective of you so it’s a small comfort that faster eyes are able to look out for you if he’s not around
They would be perfect for his rooks (Jacob no!)
But in hindsight, yes he does warmup to your pet hawks quickly, giving them nicknames
he welcomes them as a nice distraction, sometimes teasing he’ll adopt them for himself
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nadas-dirthalen · 4 months ago
I Saw Solas's Origin in an Achievement Icon and It Opened My Eyes on 15 Years of Lore
— PART THREE: if you haven't read previous parts, do it now! —
[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ]
Welcome, friends and travelers! I wanted to get some thoughts recorded before Veilguard's release so I could see if I am right about an absolute BOATLOAD of theories I have.
In short: I saw the achievement list when it was released. I have seen the backstory hints for Solas included in said list. AND MY MIND WAS BLOWN.
Come sit down with me. Make a nice cup of tea (and hide it from Solas). We've got a lot of unpacking to do.
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(this photo isn't the spoiler, I just like it.)
Today's Discussion:
So far, we've covered a few things. We know Solas was "born" from (or manifested from) a branch of raw lyrium while he was still connected to a Titan. We know there were hints toward this from across all three previous games, plus a lot of external media. We know his "birth" was initiated/instigated by Mythal.
We also know that there are quite a lot of hints about memory and forgetting across what we've covered so far, from Cole's dialogue to old elvhen lullabies.
But from here, we must ask ourselves: What ARE the Forgotten Ones? And if Solas really IS Titan-born, what does that say about the rest of everything we know about the world of Thedas and its magic?
Why the Titans are the Forgotten Ones
Fen'Harel Walked Between Both Clans of Gods
The Abyss and the Fade
Lyrium: Titans' Blood, Emerald Waters of the Fade
What IS a Spirit, Then?
Solas's Magic: What Was He Born With?
Solas and Petrification
Solas and "Blood" Magic // The Red Lyrium Idol
What Did Solas Absorb at the End of DA:I?
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Why the Titans are the Forgotten Ones
Okay. This, I admit, could have been its own post. There is a LOT to cover with just this topic. I was in the midst of outlining such a post when one of my favourite Dragon Age theorycrafters (girltriesgames) came out with this video, which summarizes every point I'd gave gone into at length. Go watch it, if you want the full deep-dive!
For now, I will summarize some of the video's points:
There were two clans of gods, according to Merrill. The first was the Evanuris, and the Forgotten Gods were the second.
Fen'Harel walked among both clans without fear, and both believed he was one of them.
The Forgotten Ones have been "sealed" in the Abyss, which we know is the deep underground from the Descent DLC and other sources such as the Anvil of the Void.
The Forgotten Ones are cited by Merrill and the World of Thedas books as being at war with the Evanuris, namely Mythal and Elgar'nan being at war with four Forgotten Ones; in the Trespasser DLC, it mentions that the Titans were at war with the Evanuris, and slain by Mythal and Elgar'nan.
The Hissing Wastes features codices from ancient dwarves who fled to the surface to escape a war that was ultimately... forgotten, featuring dragons being used as weapons that slaughtered their kin. Obviously an above-ground enemy!
There are countless mentions of the word "Forgotten" around the Titans and dwarves. The Titans have been forgotten. They do not exist in the Memories of Orzammar. The sleeping Titans have forgotten how to wake up.
Cole makes many mentions of forgotten songs in relation to the sleeping Titans and also to the dwarves. Curiously, he even ties these concepts to the Templars, who employ the same magic (according to Cole).
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Fen'Harel Walked Between Both Clans of Gods
Once I knew that Solas is made from lyrium and that the Titans are the Forgotten Ones, everything clicked into place for me. The legends say that Fen'Harel walked between both "clans" of gods because each one believed him to be one of their own. That sentence made less sense to me before, because I wondered: how does an elf fool an entire other clan of gods into believing he belongs to them?
Understanding that the Titans are the Forgotten Ones, famously the clan of gods that the Evanuris (namely Mythal and Elgar'nan) warred with... well, it makes sense now, doesn't it? Solas was able to walk between both clans of gods because he DOES have roots in both. Solas is crafted FROM a Titan. Solas BECAME an Evanuris. The Titan would recognize him as one of its own; the Evanuris accept him as one of their own.
This is backed up even further by a piece of Solas's dialogue in The Threat Remains.
"I have journeyed deep into the Fade in ancient ruins and battlefields to see the dreams of lost civilizations. I’ve watched as hosts of spirits clash to reenact the bloody past of ancient wars both famous and forgotten."
The Titans' existence was struck from Orzammar's Memories. Cole makes endless mentions of forgotten songs, old songs. Beings that are sleeping and don't remember how to wake up. Beings that have forgotten even themselves. Solas refers to dwarves as the severed arm of a once mighty hero.
"Wars both famous and forgotten," therefore, might refer to a war that was famous among the ancient elvhen, but forgotten by the rest of the world. One side takes pride in the mining of lyrium from slain titans. The other is doomed never to know what was lost.
But the question remains: When Solas created the Veil to imprison the Evanuris, what exactly happened to the Titans?
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The Abyss and the Fade
To truly understand what happened to the Titans, we must first understand what, exactly, the Veil was making a divide between. We know much of what happened to the Fade: that Solas says it was once a state of nature like the wind, flowing through everything. That now it is mutable and unpredictable, with little in the way of permanence in anything. That it takes the shape of the thoughts and memories of those within it. That magic functions unpredictably within it.
But what about what that meant for the Titans? What happened to them with this split? And, more importantly, what was the Fade in relation to them?
Let's start with what we know about the Titans' domain. Frequently called the Abyss or the Void, the realm of the Titans is below the surface. Yet, in much elvhen literature found in Trespasser, their domain is referred to as the Earth.
I believe, based on the context of those codices, that the Earth and the Abyss are not the same. The Abyss refers to the caverns in the deep underground. The Earth, specifically, is the Titans who live within the Abyss. Earth, in the ancient elvhen, pre-Veil context, may refer to the Titans' bodies—lyrium—while "Pillars of the Earth" refers to the Titans as sentient beings. The Song to Elgar'nan talks about wanting victory over the Earth, capital 'E.'
Though the Chant of Light describes the Void as more a state of being, the ancient elvhen describe it as Andruil's old hunting grounds.
One day Andruil grew tired of hunting mortal men and beasts. She began stalking the Forgotten Ones, wicked things that thrive in the abyss. Yet even a god should not linger there, and each time she entered the Void, Andruil suffered longer and longer periods of madness after returning. Andruil put on armor made of the Void, and all forgot her true face. She made weapons of darkness, and plague ate her lands. She howled things meant to be forgotten, and the other gods became fearful Andruil would hunt them in turn.
The time of Andruil using the Void as her hunting grounds predates the Veil. Overall, we already know much of what this codex implies about the Void: that it is dark, underground, and that there is reason we know of that would send Andruil back with madness (the abundance of raw lyrium and the fact that the Evanuris are mages, plus Andruil's lyrium armor).
What I want to focus on is that the Forgotten Ones were thriving in the Abyss before the Veil went up. They were alive and, ostensibly, able to fight back. They had access to their will and to their consciousness.
That consciousness seems to have disappeared with the creation of the Veil. Let me rephrase.
The Titans lost access to their consciousness with the creation of the Veil. At the same time. And what did the Veil do? What is the SOLE thing it did?
Separated the Fade from the waking world.
A collection of facts, when taken together, lead me to my conclusion about the relationship between the Abyss, the Fade, and the Titans.
The Forgotten Ones (Titans) live in the Abyss
They were conscious and "thriving" before the Veil went up
Cole remarks that they have "forgotten" how to wake up in the time since
No one has memory of the Titans, not even the dwarves
Lyrium is the blood of the Titans
and lyrium grows in the Fade.
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Lyrium: Titans' Blood, and the Emerald Waters of the Fade
I think a lot of us (me included) have been thinking about the Fade all wrong. I think a lot of people consider the Fade to be this Other Thing™ that was once a part of the world, and is now separate. Now, I believe differently. I think that the Fade and the Titans were once two pieces of one whole, and creating the Veil effectively sundered all Titans' consciousness from their bodies.
In short: I think the Fade is the Titans' missing consciousness.
That's why I think it is very important not just that Lyrium exists in the Fade, but that it grows there. It implies that the Fade is still alive, just like the Titans are still alive, but asleep.
When Solas says, "I seek... regeneration" in Vows & Vengeance, I think this is what he means: reconnecting these two sundered pieces.
We've always thought as the Fade as the realm of spirits. Those characters who contemplate the Veil being torn down immediately think about how many spirits and demons that might unleash upon Thedas.
But I must ask: If the Fade is the consciousness of sundered Titans, where did the first spirits come from, before the creation of the Veil? What relation could Titans have with spirits?
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What IS a Spirit, Then?
I'm sure that I am not alone when I say that my original guess for Solas's origin story is that he was a spirit that took mortal, corporeal shape. We've all heard Cole say, "He did not want a body, but she asked him to come." We all know that the Dread Wolf's six eyes greatly resemble a Pride demon, and we have seen that Solas' Manifestation achievement icon features those same six eyes.
If you're like me, you might've seen that and wondered how exactly this is all related. How can Solas be a spirit of Wisdom turned to Pride if he came from a Titan?
I'm here to tell you: I think those are the same thing.
And the Chant of Light agrees with me.
Here lies the abyss, the well of all souls. From these emerald waters doth life begin anew. Come to me, child, and I shall embrace you. In my arms lies Eternity. —Andraste 14:11
Many believe that the well of sorrows and the waters of the Fade must have elemental associations with, well... water. But I'd like to put forth a different interpretation.
Lyrium exists in liquid form, once refined. The Bastion of the Pure in the Descent DLC has a literal underground sea. We know that lyrium is the Titans' blood, growing both in the Abyss and the Fade. We also know that the Fade, domain of spirits, is likely the Titans' sundered consciousness.
The "well of all souls," then, is the same as the "emerald waters." Both of them refer not to water, not to oceans, but to lyrium.
I think every spirit on Thedas, not just the dwarves, came from the Titans originally.
To test the validity of my idea, I then asked myself: what do we know of spirits and their nature?
We know that spirits all boil down to one singular quality: Wisdom, Compassion, Purpose, Love, Justice, etc etc etc.
We know that those qualities can change back and forth from "virtuous" to "demonic" depending on the spirit's own feelings and reactions to the world. The trauma of crossing the Veil or being bound can force Wisdom to become Pride (Solas's personal quest) or Compassion to Rage (Down Among the Dead Men from Tevinter Nights).
Not all spirits are named for "virtues" or "sins." For instance, there are Hunger demons, and hunger is not a sin.
Spirits can be killed outright. When that happens, they may reform, but they are never quite the same when they coalesce again. There are also "ancient spirits" mentioned throughout the franchise, which tells me that not all spirits are the same age. They were not all created at the same time.
Many spirits are mere wisps, without one of those one-word qualities. They must gain power before they take such a shape.
To me, that sounds a lot like how thoughts work.
Our singular thoughts could also be boiled down to singular qualities, if framed in a certain way. For instance, my current craving for food is very much a Hunger thought. My constant joy in reading World of Thedas stems from Curiosity. Terrible traffic conditions inspire fleeting Rage, which changes when I remember my Compassion for other drivers who might be erratic because they're going through an emergency or something traumatic.
People don't remember every single thought they have. The ones that stick with us over time? They remain with us because they are powerful. Stronger memories stick around longer; the rest fade away or become shapeless until we try really hard to remember them again.
But when we do remember things we have forgotten? We never remember them exactly the same, do we? If I remember I thought I had as a child, I have to remember it with the context of my current 30-year-old self. I will never experience the thought exactly as my 5-year-old self did.
As long as I have access to my own consciousness, I will constantly produce new thoughts and memories.
Specifically, I think that all spirits on Thedas are the thoughts of Titans, once either held in lyrium or free to drift through the Fade before the Veil existed. Those spirits may then manifest into a corporeal shape, like Cole does, if they have enough power.
And Solas? Solas is one such thought-spirit, who used to be held in lyrium, who Mythal convinced (or coerced) to take shape.
Which explains a great deal about every type of magic we see him use.
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Solas's Magic: What Was He Born With?
Oh, Solas, you beautiful enigma. For so long, we thought of you as an ordinary mage. Then, with the big Fen'Harel reveal and the way you began petrifying people in Trespasser, we thought you were something else.
Mages draw their power from the Fade. It looks like the dwarven magic we're seeing (from Harding, from Valta, from Sandal) draws its power from the Stone, in addition to manipulating it. So what gives? How is Solas able to pull from both schools of magic? Is he a mage? Is he kin with the dwarves?
Now, with all the knowledge we've gained through one singular achievement icon jpeg, I understand: you are both, and you are neither.
We must remember that all ancient elvhen are born in a pre-Veil era. With the knowledge we have, that means an era when the Titans were not sundered from their thoughts, and all magic in the world was one thing. If all spirits are the thoughts of Titans made manifest (either as living concepts or as corporeal beings) and the Fade is just one part of Titans' whole existence, then a world without the Veil is a world where we don't need to think of those magics as two separate things.
Rather, they are both magic, but opposing schools of the same magic. When we think of the four elements here in OUR world, we think of earth and air as opposites—but in a lot of media, magic users have access to both. Often, they are weak to each other, one cancelling out the other.
We see this laid out more clearly in this codex from the Vir Dirthara.
"The unchanging world is delicate: spells of power invite disaster and annihilation. The unchanging world is stubborn: the pull of the earth fiercely resists making fire run like water or stone rise like mist. The unchanging world rings with its own harmony. Listen with fearless hearts, and great works will unfold."
This codex is actively encouraging the magic users of ancient elvhen (AKA, all people from that time) to listen with fearless hearts to the "unchanging world" to exert will over the "pull of the earth." They're not saying to avoid the Titans, or to dominate them with an abundance of their own (Fade) magic. By tapping into the Titans' rhythm, even the magic of the Fade is embellished. Made stronger.
To be alive in that time is to be able to wield both magics interchangeably—but just like Aang in Avatar: the Last Airbender, the pull of the earth is a notoriously difficult thing for "air" (Fade) magic-users to grasp, and vice versa.
(A tiny aside: I believe these discoveries about spirits and magic teach us the distinction between elven and elvhen. The latter translates to "spirit-soul," loosely—the spirits that came out of the Titans. I believe elven refers to the corporeal descendants of those elvhen that sexually reproduced.)
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Solas and Petrification
Many of us speculated for a long, long time that Solas's ability to petrify people—an ability associated with Sandal and Harding—was something he took from a dwarven or Titan-aligned source. People speculated that Urthemiel, the archdemon, must be somehow connected to the magic of the Stone.
I have a different theory: Solas has always had this capability, but the power he absorbed from Mythal is what has allowed him to once again perform the magic of the Stone from whence he came.
Maybe utilizing both magics to such a powerful degree (remember his Mind Blast from Trespasser?) requires that a mage be more powerful than most, carrying two "sects" of magic within them and using both in such a great and terrible capacity (like how the Avatar is more powerful than other benders, able to carry multiple elements because of bonding with the spirit of Raava, to continue with my previous example).
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Solas and "Blood" Magic // The Red Lyrium Idol
I'll preface this by saying: no, I have no idea why Solas has changed his tune about blood magic in DA:tV. I hope to find out in five days!
I do want to suggest that, for Solas, blood magic might mean something different than it does for everyone else. Solas's blood, while he has taken a corporeal shape almost identical to any other elven person, may not be the same chemical make as the blood of mortals. That might explain why he has not experimented with it much during the time of Inquisition, and might explain why he does not want to use his own blood in DA:tV.
Instead, his blood might be closer to lyrium than we expected. And the red lyrium idol might be HIS idol.
Some of you might remember that way back in part 1, I noted that a hint for Solas's origin from previous games and external media is that, in Tevinter Nights, the Dread Wolf refers to the red lyrium idol as "my idol" before slaying the Mortalitasi trying to perform a blood magic ritual with it. It confused me, for a long time, why the Dread Wolf (the big wolf form, not necessarily one with Solas) would refer to the idol as "my idol" before actually retrieving it to keep. The explanation seems simple: it was his first.
This makes me wonder, given everything we know, if the idol first belonged to the Dread Wolf because it is made from the Dread Wolf's blood. Since the Dread Wolf is a piece of a Titan, that would make its blood likely at least related to lyrium, right?
Many have also speculated that Solas's ritual dagger, which gets passed on to Rook, is made from a purified/reforged red lyrium idol. Given the blood connection between Rook and Solas, it makes sense to me that if the dagger is indeed made from the blood of the Dread Wolf (and/or Solas), that is why Rook has access to its abilities.
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What Did Solas Absorb at the End of DA:I?
I cannot for the life of me find a well-cropped image, but this post on Reddit talks about a designer note from the post-credits scene of DA:I between Solas and Flemeth. Namely that Solas does not take Mythal's soul when he absorbs power from her. Before he absorbs that power, Mythal passes her soul on to Morrigan.
While David Gaider had previously advised fans to not necessarily take this as canon, it seems to be proving true in Morrigan's design change, featuring Flemeth's crown.
That means there are two things Solas may have still absorbed from Mythal, since her soul was already "spoken for."
Raw power
The soul of Urthemiel, the archdragon slain in Origins. This is true in every world state with Kieran, but I would wager that Urthemiel's soul belongs with Mythal in every world state, since Flemeth said she had an "appointment to keep" in the prologue of DA2, which is why she did not travel with Hawke. My guess is she went to Denerim, poking at the remains of the slain archdemon until, 10 years later in Inquisition, she was in possession of Urthemiel's soul no matter what.
We know, however, that archdemons are sundered pieces of the Evanuris. We've been able to suspect this since Inquisition, where we see Corypheus's archdemon is in possession of a piece of his soul and is therefore the secret to his immortality.
I don't think either of this gave Solas access to any new spells. Rather, I think either one (or both!) might have granted him the power necessary to access spells he already knows from both Fade magic and Stone magic.
However, I'd like to touch on just one thing before this post concludes.
I believe that Urthemiel is June's archdemon. The Chant of Light references an Architect of Beauty, just as it references Corypheus, the Conductor of Silence. These are high priests of the so-called "Old Gods," which were revealed as archdemons when Dumat appeared during the First Blight. Corypheus was the high priest of Dumat, the old god of Silence.
I believe the word Architect being used as the title for the high priest of Urthemiel is indicative of the Evanuris that Urthemiel belongs to. There is one Evanuris known for craftsmanship: June, who we know nothing about.
The reason I mention this is that, if nothing else, June's abilities may have allowed Solas to "purify" and shape the red lyrium idol into his ritual dagger that we see in Veilguard.
In conclusion: I believe Solas has always had access to the Stone, but it would certainly be interesting to see if each Evanuris has their own suite of magical abilities, potentially due to the Titan from which some of them originated (more on THAT in a later post, stay tuned!).
If you read this far, THANK YOU, as always! The collective hype of everyone reading and sharing these is making me all the more excited for Veilguard.
Keep an eye out for the next instalment in this series: What the Chant of Light teaches us about Solas, Mythal, and the Evanuris at large.
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sweetshelluvaau · 1 month ago
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Finally: I finished Michael, the Paragon saint and Golden Boy himself!
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The hours I spent on this I'm just glad I'm done but I'm overall proud of the results.
Like always, notes under the cut. Drawn in Clip Studio Paint and with Photoshop CS6 for final touches. Okay to reblog, Feedback is encourage.
Let's talk about Adam very quick:
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Considering that Michael is to replace Adam in my rewrite/AU, I feel it's only fair that I talk about the character himself because boy howdy do I have things to say.
I have...mix feelings about Adam. I don't hate him, but I do find him to be wasted potential but that's basically all of Hellaverse at this point.
Alex Brightman, as always, brings his A Game. He sounds like he's having a blast playing the character and won't lie, Hell is Forever is a pretty solid villain song and one of the better tunes in the show imho
because I don't know if I'll ever get a chance to talk about it, I think Hazbin's musical score is a mix bag. The are some genuine bops (Hell is Forever, Respectless, Stay Gone being some of my faves) but there's duds as well (Poison is basically 'We have Addict at home' without any of the charm that made that song good and Whatever it Takes doesn't work because we barely know anything about Carmila to get invested and honestly it's basically a nothing song). Overall I think the soundtrack is fine but all blended together as part of a musical? It falls flat however I feel their are people who are better to talk about what makes a musical good in regard to how it tells it's story.
Anyways... that's all the positives I really have.
The way for me to describe how I feel about Adam is kinda the reverse effect on how I feel about Mammon being they are similar characters in a sense. Both grew on me in some ways but unlike the case of Mammon where his vulgarly and general asshole-ness is kinda endearing in a way (that and he's voiced by Michael Cusack who plays Pim on Smiling Firends so I'm kinda a bit bias), Adam on the other hand comes across as grating to me. I don't know why but he just does. That plus because Adam is suppose to be an angel/Saint given a higher propose, one who's in change of the Extermination that happen every year mind you, while also being thousands of years old and the first man only for him he acts like...
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idk man, I have nothing agasist him being a frat boy but I feel it would have made more sense for character like Adam to have a more Knight Templar persona. If you want to play with this a bit though, have Adam behaves differently around those in Hell/winners and angels that have no power vs Heaven's higher ranking Angels/Seraphim.
Around Sera and others with roles similar to hers he acts like the righteous, paragon saint that Heaven praises him to be but to those who's word wouldn't be taken against him and the citizens of Hell regardless of where they are on the hierarchy? He doesn't hide his true personality where he's basically a self righteous asshole who has no problem stepping on others and enjoys partaking in the Exterminations but also indulging in some other sinful behavior during that time because he gets to cut loose a bit from Heaven's strict mandates.
This would also play greatly within the trial subplot where it'd be harder for Charlie to sell her idea of Redemption when Heaven's leadership takes Adam's word over hers while also having the mask he wears slipping the longer it goes on, everyone slowly seeing a bit of his true colors.
As I said before, Adam was wasted potential and his role could have been played any character really. Honestly, I'm surprise they didn't go with the archangels being how well known they are in biblical stories.
Also his design sucks but that's not really much of a hot take, is it?
...This part was suppose to be very quick wasn't it?
Anyways, let's get into Michael now:
I don't really have much to say about his design other than the fact I wanted him to give off the appearance of being seen as 'prefect' and a 'paragon' especially compare to his brother, Lucifer who's seen as the boogieman by Heaven and history. He does have a more casual outfit on days he's not wearing armor but I haven't designed it yet. He does have a Halo but I forgot to add it XD
Gave him golden colored wings to add to his 'Golden Boy' persona Heaven has dubbed him. That and they're just pretty.
As I said above, Michael is to replace Adam in my AU/Rewrite. He's in charge of the Heavenly Host, Heaven's army along with it's the sub group who conduct the annual Exterminations as mandate by the Seraphim Council. Unlike Adam however, it's not a task he enjoys. Quite the opposite. He sees them as an necessary evil (or at the very least, that's what he tells himself) to keep Hell's numbers down but even then he's starting to question if this is the way of handling it. He's not on board with the idea of the Happy Hotel at first but eventually warms up to it and becomes one Charlie's bigger supporters.
Personality wise, he differs from Adam as well. Michael has a good heart. He's brave, kind and loyal to all of Heaven; but he isn't a pushover by any means. His honestly can sometimes get him in a bit of trouble with the Seraphim but he fights for what he believes is right.
Michael is seen in the lens by Heaven as their 'Paragon Saint' in contrast to his Fallen brother. He doesn't really like this title because he doesn't see himself as any better than any Heavenborn or Saint/Winners but it ended up sticking and Heaven needs to fuel it's propaganda machine after all. He's also referred to 'The Golden Boy' both affectionally and sarcastically.
He doesn't hate Lucifer. There are a few times that Michael, even with his brother being declared Fallen and 'The Devil', tried to reach out to Lucifer to mend their relationship because despite everything; he does care and loves him. Lucifer on the other hand doesn't have the patience to want to 'fix' things due to his own bitterness and Pride, even if he was the cause of his own downfall.
I'm sure there are other notes I could add by my brain is fizzing out and I worked long enough on this post.
Kesha!Bee (Already drew Beelzebub herself but I'm posting these two together) and Stolas are next on my redesign chopping block and I'm currently working on my Wrath Ring post as well. One of those will be next...
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angelic-salad · 10 months ago
Kirkwall in itself is a story worth thinking about for years. Just the current political landscape and culture and what’s it’s like day to day must be fascinating but then when you consider its history as a MAJOR slave city that was set free only to keep all the iconography, plus how much blood magic was practiced in its hidden halls… that’s a story within a story. And if THAT wasn’t enough to keep Kirkwall rotating like a golden rotisserie chicken in your brain for years, then you get the likelihood that this city is the place wherein mages went to the makers throne and corrupted the Golden City, turning it into the Black City??? Huh??? The parallels that one would naturally make between Kirkwall and the Black City because of it (and ironically between Kirkwall and the Golden City, too)… and then you have the one chantry in the city in Hightown, as if The Maker was too high for poor folk to reach, and Darktown, where everything is dirty and sick and it’s supposed to be every man for himself save a single shining light wherein a cursed apostate, what the chantry tells you to hate and fear, is the only one reaching out to help, and does so without expecting anything in return.
Seriously though, all the damn stairs means that unless you’re able bodied and have hours upon hours to spare (unlikely when you’re desperate for work), you likely can’t make it to the chantry to attend services regularly. I wonder if the people in Lowtown feel as though as surely as he abandoned the Golden City, he abandoned them, too. And THEN you have Kirkwall being turned into what is essentially a police state with Templars, the supposed sword of Andraste, making life worse for a lot of people. Honestly even if Anders never came to Kirkwall, there probably would’ve ended up being a rebellion for something anyways.
The city itself is a living, breathing entity. I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a city as… charactered??? as Kirkwall in any other work of fiction. It’s endlessly fascinating.
Please tell me any headcanons or opinions or observations you have on literally any aspect of Kirkwall. Whether you say it on this post or in tags or in my dms or send me an anon message I don’t care.
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inquisimer · 10 months ago
dragon age character study fic recs
I'm back with another fic rec list, this time focusing on character studies! There were so many more than five that I flagged as interesting 👀 when I was putting this together, so there's definitely a chance that this theme makes a repeat in the future.
Check these awesome fics out! And leave a comment + kudos to let the author know you did💜
Vote in this poll to help me choose a theme for next week's rec list (:
New Tricks by Penknife (@penknife)
Dorian Pavus & Cullen Rutherford, Josephine Montilyet & Cullen Rutherford & Leliana | G | 1968 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: Five times Cullen found that he didn't have to do everything the hard way. Mer's Rec: If you're into Cullen & Dorian friendship, or really any Cullen friendship, this fic will be right up your alley. Penknife does an excellent job of contrasting Dorian as a beleaguered academic (beloved) with Cullen's quieter intelligence. They also highlight Cullen as a strategist and commander, not just the "send the troops" guy, and the advisor interactions resonate with coworker friend energy, which I loved. I always adore fics that explore Cullen's habits and traits leftover from so many years as a Templar and this story seamlessly weaves in those details, which brings a real depth to both Cullen and his interactions.
Names Are Cloaks by EllanaSan
Female Adaar & Josephine Montilyet | G | 2963 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: They can’t have that, she supposes, the Herald of Andraste being called names behind her back… The only way the situation could have been worse is if she had been an elf. She could tell the ambassador that there are people in this very camp disrespecting her at every turn but she is far too used to it to care. They call her oxwoman. They call her witch. They call her chosen or your worship. They call her Tal-Vashoth. Names are weapons. For the bearer to hold and to wield. Names are cloaks. For the bearer to wrap themselves in and discard when outgrown. Mer's Rec: With Bioware's scant lore about Qunari and the Qun, I was impressed by how this story immersed me in Adaar's history. Tidbits from canon interwoven with fascinating-slash-heartbreaking details about the Qun, Vashoth, and Saarebas, plus her introspective musings on the past and her identity make this Adaar stand out from the cookie-cutter protagonist in the best way. I want to know more about her! From Josephine's dialogue and mannerisms to the uncertainty, fear, and alienation the Herald can experience in Haven, everything about this story feels like it could be straight out of the DAI canon.
I have outlived the night by lilith_morgana (@senseandaccountability)
Loghain Mac Tir, Minor/Background Relationships | T | 2106 words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Author's Summary: He's five, he's eighteen, nineteen, twenty, forty-six, and fifty-five, he's fifty-six, fifty-seven and ready to die. Instead, he lives. Mer's Rec: The emotion in this fic is so palpable, so visceral, and it slaps you in the face the way careful consideration of complicated characters should. With repeated contrasts between Loghain in his youth versus his later years, the author takes us on a journey from hot-headed kid to weary veteran, and it just makes your heart ache😭 It features strong exposition on Loghain's motives, feelings, and regrets during the Fifth Blight, which I love to see since it's fairly absent from the game itself. Their portrayal of Loghain in Inquisition also felt fresh and different, including a conversation with Cullen, which is a dynamic I hadn't considered before and found incredibly interesting to read. And of course it ends on a bittersweet note, as it always does with Loghain.
To Yield Is Not Weak by disasterhawke
Alistair/Anora Mac Tir | M | 4018 words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Author's Summary: She may not like her new husband, but Anora Theirin is not about to let the world treat him like it has treated her. She will do whatever it takes to earn his trust. This is not quite what he expects. An Anora character study that explores her arranged marriage to her husband's bastard brother. Mer's Rec: this 👏 was 👏 everything I wanted out of an Alistair/Anora fic! While I think antagonism between those two has a place, this fic explored their relationship through the lens of teaching and working together, rather than animosity. It works SO well and there was a definite give-and-take, with Anora running the show immediately post-coronation, but gradually softening her harsher edges and highlighting Alistair's strengths while they grow as rulers. Anora's internal monologue, not only about Alistair, but also Cailan and Loghain, does a fantastic job showing the humanity she usually has to hide, without diminishing her competence in the least.
when the bough breaks by gummies (orphaned)
Morrigan, Flemeth | G | 1124 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: In her hands, the mouse is kept still. The only movement Morrigan feels from it is the beating of its tiny heart. With her eyes closed, it almost seems that she is holding in her hands its heart alone. Tiny, vulnerable, and so stutteringly fast. It must be afraid, Morrigan muses. Something twinges in her chest. Empathy. She cannot help the flare of protectiveness inside her. For now, the mouse is hers. Plucked from the world from whence it came, tucked away and safe. She wonders if this is how Mother feels of her. Mer's Rec: What struck me most about this fic was the author's grasp of character voices. Flemeth is just as cunning and calculating as she comes across in game, but I was beyond impressed by their young!Morrigan. I could see and hear so clearly how Morrigan would get from the childlike hope she has in this story to the harsher, bitter Morrigan we meet in game. I don't even know how they did that, but it was incredible to read, even as this slice of Morrigan's childhood and her abuse at Flemeth's hands was breaking my heart.
Don't forget to get your fic and art recs lined up for tomorrow's Fan Work Friday!
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lykegenia · 2 months ago
2024 Writing Roundup
tagged by @juneiper-art - thank you!
words posted: 73,510
additional words written: between all the buffer chapters in my longfics plus a few sundry bits it's at least 30k
grand total of words: just over 100k altogether, I think
fandoms: Dragon Age, The Wayhaven Chronicles, and a backstory short story for one of my DnD characters
highest kudos: Rosemary and Citrus, a Rookanis slow burn retelling of Veilguard that's already grown far past its original scope
highest hit oneshot: He Makes Her Cry (He Doesn't Like It), my first foray into MasonxF!Detective from TWC, set during Book Three
new things I tried: I mostly stick to my habits, though with Rosemary and Citrus I've been posting as I go and trying to stick to a proper schedule, which is unusual for me.
fic I spent the most time on: As The World Falls Down, my AU retelling of Dragon Age Origins in which Alistair was raised by the Couslands instead of going to the templars
fic I spent the least time on: He Makes Her Cry, but only because it's so short compared to the others
favorite thing I wrote: This whole upcoming chapter for As The World Falls Down, really, but here's a sneak preview:
Cautiously, he wended his way through the shadows to Eamon’s office, girded by his imagination and the knowledge that getting caught couldn’t be worse than whatever fate was being decided for him just beyond the door. Even before he rounded the final corner, he caught the timbre of angry male voices spilling out into the hallway, and as he edged closer along the wall so that the squeak of floorboards would not betray him he strained his ears to make out the words. “– told her he sleeps in the kennels, that he gets only scraps from the cook! There is no answer for it.” The voice held a note of familiarity, but one that Alistair could not place over the shock of hearing himself so vehemently defended. “Regardless of where you get your information, this is not a matter within your purview,” came a terse reply – Eamon, in a tone low and deep with disapproval. “That is your concern here?” demanded the first voice. “I made enquiries after what I saw that day. I must say, you kept him well hidden, but that does not excuse you. Had I entrusted one of my children to the care of another, only to find them so poorly mistreated, the person responsible would find themselves very sorry indeed.” “You told me the boy was cared for.” This was a third voice, the second stranger who had ridden into the yard. “You assured me it would be so.” “I have done more for him than any would rightfully expect me to, given the circumstances,” Eamon retorted. “I have even secured him a future in a role worthy of respect –” “You wanted to make a problem disappear and thought the templars would be the easiest way to explain it.” “How dare –” “Enough!” The third voice sounded angry, and weary. “Eamon, I should have been consulted before you spoke with Knight-Captain Renwick.” “Consulted?” the second voice scoffed. “Forgive me, Your Majesty, but –” All three went silent. Too late, Alistair clapped his hand over his mouth. He backed away from the door, the imaginary echo of his gasp ringing in his ears. Whichever way he tried to run, the hallway was too long, he wouldn’t be fast enough to get out of sight before –
favorite thing(s) I read: I've done a lot more reading this year, but I'm limiting it to three:
Kiss Me Moonstruck by @theluckywizard - I'm in love with this Garrett Hawke, who manages to be a famed mercenary at the same time as a complete sap and a passable wit, and the premise of the story happens to tick all of my favourite romance tropes
Attachment Theory by @thee-morrigan - Everything about this Natex F!Detective AU is rich and delicious and the imagery is gorgeous
Sanguine by @effelants - If you want an Alistair whose characterisation is on point, then this is the fic for you. The Changes to the plot of the game keep the story fresh, and the mystery around Moira is a very compelling dive into the lore around magic and spirits
writing goals for 2025: be more consistent with actually writing, try to get my word count up, and actually go back to the longfics I've been neglecting and start posting again
new works:
Patience, And Words, And Waterfalls - TWC, musing on Leah's inability to tell Nate how she feels
Mercies - The battle for Haven, with the feelings starting to show between Cullen and Maighread Trevelyan
He Makes Her Cry
Rosemary and Citrus
Tagging forward to everyone already mentioned, plus @vela-ad-astra @athenasdragon @serenpedac @naiatabris and @lalizah - no pressure!
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shizuu-chann · 3 months ago
Playing Veilguard a second time, I'm realizing how often the "Devouring Storm" is mentioned and I'm dying to know what's going to happen. Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain mention (during one of the eavesdropping scenes in the Crossroads) that their dreams since escaping imprisonment have been grey and shadowed or something (I can't remember exactly what they say, but they're both perplexed and at least mildly concerned--at least until Elgar'nan waves his verbal hand and dismisses it while saying, "The future is intangible, only the past and present matter" or whatever).
Even Anaris wants to gain corporeal form again to escape the impending "storm" (not sure how that would have worked out for him, but again, whatever). Cyrian tells us Anaris is scared of something but he doesn't know what! Plus, learning more about what the qunari were running from before settling Par Vollen and the tablet mentioning said Devouring Storm. What did they want with the Inquisition last game with the War Table missions? Then there's the secret ending, of course, and I just really hope we actually get a game in the future that tells the story!
What about Those Across the Sea is powerful enough to force the kossith to splice some of their own with dragons to gain fire breath? What are they, that they had the Imperium scared a millennium ago when they still worshipped the Old Gods and were arguing during construction of the Archon's Palace whether or not it should be offensive or defensive? They made an entire floating fortress that shoots magic lasers to defend against Those Across the Sea.
What boggles my mind even more is everyone in Thedas just...forgot about them? I'm not completely sure about that, but I don't recall any mention of Those Across the Sea (in-game) prior to Inquisition. My guess would be that it was intentional on the part of TAtS. If it's true that they've had a hand in all these major events in Thedas, then it wouldn't surprise me they have the power/influence/reach to erase themselves from records and the like (likely with agents) to keep people from being aware of their existence or machinations. Was them causing these events in Thedas a way to keep Thedas distracted while they made plans for...whatever it is they're doing? Invasion, at least. Was it that calculated? Can they even be that calculated?
It could also just be that they want to destabilize the region for to enact their plan. They did a great a job, if that's the case. A Blight; a war between mages and Templars; Solas possibly being aware of this impending "storm" after waking and dreaming, like Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain, and acting too rashly (as he is wont to do), giving his orb to Corypheus to expedite the process of regaining his powers, and tearing a massive hole in the sky that tore smaller holes that spit out angry spirits all over Southern Thedas; and now with Solas trying to tear down the Veil, perhaps, again, in reaction to this revelation that Something™ is coming, further destabilizing Thedas incidentally by releasing two power-mad ancient elven-spirit mages hell bent on blighting the world to reclaim their past glory.
Did TAtS anticipate that, too? Or were these two tyrants escaping unforeseen? Did they foresee someone stopping them, which is why they seemingly encourage Rook? Is foresight something they have? They seems to anticipate everything Rook does, at least in regard to the first two "circles" you find that unlock those cryptic codex entries. I just have so many questions and no answers.
I need to know who they are, what they are, and what they even want enough that they've had their suspicious little fingers(?) in, apparently, every major event in Thedas for the past several decades at least. And HOW have they had their fingers in them? Is their goal sinister? If so, do they KNOW it's sinister? I mean, the first circle-orb-thing you find, the voice says something like, "They interrupt. As predicted. As hoped. Learn. Adapt. Triumph." The second, "You return. We are content." and when you ask who they are, they reply, "Not now. Not yet. We will show you. Soon." Iirc, they seem surprised when you find the third, but I haven't found that one again yet so I can't remember off the top of my head. Their plans are a mystery, but seem sinister from what info is given to us, but then why do they want us to triumph? Unless the two Clowns escaping wasn't part of their plan and they want them dealt with, too, so their own goals won't be hampered. I DON'T KNOW UUUGGGHHH. I just love it~
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 9 months ago
The fact I have to use multiple headcanons for some characters to make them palatable is bullshit.
Sorry this is a 3am rant as I am doing nights and am the half awake type.
But this specifically is about Cullen Rutherford and how in canon he’s a bitch ass. And Oghren to actually. Also a bitch ass.
But these characters have so much damn potential I wanna SCREAM.
Cullen is a character who is set up to be a creep in the first game. He has a crush on one of his prisoners and when the tower is taken by magic and he is tormented we see him break. In DA2, he’s a magic hating asshole who stands up in the final second against his boss. In DAI he’s the commander who gives lip service to changing but hasn’t.
This entire saga has me going; BUT WHAT IF?!
I think I ranted about this before but Cullen in DA2 could have been so much cooler if we saw him slowly have a come to Andraste sort of story. In the beginning he’s running on his trauma. Hates magic. Can’t see mages as people because it means then people hurt him and he can’t do it.
But then he begins looking around. Maybe Meredith says something or he sees how his men flinch when he’s around. He begins actually seeing things in the Circle that kind of go: wait. The Ferelden Circle tower wasn’t as bad as Kirkwall. Not good no, but Kirkwall is hell.
Cullen seeing the trauma of a young girl being made tranquil. Seeing a Templar abuse her. Stepping in and then… Meredith does nothing. Denotes the man but doesn’t care. Cullen, who was at mercy of demons for days, who was taunted with an image of a woman he fancied himself in love with… he watches and can’t understand it.
He hears of the Tranquil solution. Hears someone whisper of Alrik after and he… he can’t. He can’t do that. Talks to Meredith who dismisses it. Whose insanity sparks in her eyes. Who talks of mages are vermin.
Cullen wonders if he was like that.
I want an actual damn redemption arch for Cullen, and I would love to explore more of ‘the Chantry abuses the Templars to’ with their purposeful forced addiction and how awful it is to come off it. Having Cullen see how Samson is, seeing him so sick… it should be a moment where we see this man truly question things.
Then DAI. I want Cullen to have earned his position. I want him to talk about how he knows he has biases due to the tower and the demons. I want him to tell the Herald ‘I sometimes relapse. Just tell me’
I still want a voice to argue for the Templars but I want Cullen to argue about Tevinter and that dealing with slavers is never wise. I want us to see Cullen terrified of magic and him having to combat the feelings.
I want Cullen to have a slow horrific retaliation of the Chantry as he comes off lyrium but still can use his Templar powers. I want him to choke it out, shaking, that he has been lied to.
I want an actual redemption and him truly trying to redeem himself. I headcanon it all the time when playing because it is the only way I can put up with him. Even then I only have romances him with a non-mage human, because I can’t see him able to do anything else.
Then OGHREN. I don’t know if I talked about this but his entire relationship with Felssi never interested me because it feels like he’s repeating Branka. They insult each other and she talks to him like dirt. Exploring the idea he left not because he didn’t want to be a dad/is a bad dad but because he recognized he was in the same damn cycle would have been so cool. Plus having him actually change.
In origins, have him stop drinking as much. Have him talking not about sex or being gross but have him holding intelligent conversations with Sten on battle tactics. Have him argue with Shale about dwarves. Have him discuss withdrawal with Wynne.
Then Awakenings. Like I said, I think the discussion that his relationship with Felssi is toxic on both sides would be fun. Have him confess he realized he was right back where he’d started, have him drinking again… I’m not saying blame everything on the woman. I am saying that toxic relationships are hard to break and the idea of Oghren honestly being at a loss when he realizes where he is would be so much fun.
This is a headcanon I built to be able to stand the man.
And the fact I have to do so makes me want to beg on bended knee to BioWare: please don’t do this to me in DA:D.
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visarcana · 8 months ago
What do we know about... Cesario (Chezario)
For those who keep up with the fic; last we were somewhere around the country of Cesario (otherwise known as Chezario, which is closer to how it’s pronounced in the original). Let’s scour the artbooks and all for info about this Gaean country!
Previously in the WDWK series: Basram, Egzardia
Canon information
1. Cesario is the country that asks Van to lead their decimated vanguard to “boost the troop morale.”
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The situation is, Van comes back after retrieving Hitomi (episode 24), and lands at a Cesarian military camp, in an unspecified area close(r) to the Zaibach border. The soldiers say they were humiliated as they were overwhelmed by Zaibach’s military might. The state of the camp is pitiful with many dead and many destroyed melefs. 
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By the way, there are Cesario troops and leviships in Palas at the same time, so the defeated camp is definitely not all of the country’s army.
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Next time we see Van, the main Alliance army is arrived but he is still with this Cesario force and separate from Allen and the others, so it seems there was a bit of camaraderie present at that point if they stayed together instead of Van joining the Asturians as usual.
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The filmbook has a note saying they “value knighthood” and “take it upon themselves to spearhead the attack against Zaibach”. From this, I sort of always had a headcanon that people would know and like Van in Cesario. Like, if they like honor and chivalry, and they appreciate the young boy and his legendary guymelef enough to ask him to lead them, you just sort of know they have a fondness for a story like that and see magic in it.
2. The design of the soldiers/guymelefs
The design of the Cesarian characters looks like medieval European knights, I would even go as far as to say, actual Crusaders (not to be confused with the Crusade crew).
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The settei gives us, as usual, an image of an ordinary soldier and of a general, plus the general’s name. This time, it’s Ferme (Ferume) or its variations. Easter egg, Escaflowne Compendium had a mention of “Vermeer” in the code on the subpage about characters (it was something that was not visible on the website itself), I believe it could be one of the many possible transcriptions of this guy’s name from Japanese (I don’t think there is a source for that or any other romanization though and that’s probably the reason why it was hidden from view).
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By the way, the names of these generals are pretty solidly confirmed; I have found three artbook sources for them already although they are never used in the series and the whole role of the alliance generals is practically to order their troops to turn on each other. Here is the Ferme guy calling for Cesario to “use the chance to rise to lead Gaea,” please note the color scheme looks a bit different in episode 26 (pale blue instead of dark).
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Anyway, back to the design. The chainmail, the cross-quartered overshirt... where does it lead? I think the answer is pretty clear this time...
First of all, it has to be said Crusades are WAY older stuff than what I found before, showing the inspiration for the designs of soldiers of Basram or Egzardia that seems to be the 17th-19th century Europe, which is coincidentally also the level of development of Gaea according to the official materials. Crusades are hundreds of years before that! Plus, there were several of them, spanning centuries.
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So, finding a drawing of a Crusader that would be authentic, non-fictional, and from the same period, is way harder. Many of the illustrations from which we form the image of a crusader come from later period, especially around the romantism movement in 19th century. And these representations, especially the most common image of templars, fit our Cesarians quite well. 
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With the way their head gear is constructed, I think the reference may have been some encyclopaedia depiction of knights templar. These are some of the closest examples I could find (obviously, the variation is too great and probably also was with the real people).
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But just out of curiosity I took a look:at the contemporary art (14th/15th century and older), it seems way harder to detect that typical image of the crusader with that huge cross across his chest, but yeah, you can obviously often see the motif of a cross and the chain mail.
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And these two are prominent even in the design of our Cesarians. The same shape is visible even on their guymelefs (title picture), and yep, on their flag.
4. The flag/coat of arms
The cross on Cesarians seems to match the design of their flag, and to me, it looks nothing more like than the sword handle/crossguard. 
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This time again, we don’t have the official Sunrise image for ants but we have plenty sources of how it should look in color so I spent 3000 hours in MS Paint and there you go.
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Anyway, the sword hilt would obviously match it being such a heroic and militaristic country, although it’s quite simple imagery, I like the decorative detail put in there. Any other ideas?
5. Cesario is a neighboring country to Asturia and possibly to Zaibach
I repeat myself once again, this is because we know Asturia formed an alliance with its neighboring countries (episode 23) and Cesario came to their help. But actually, this is also confirmed in the text of the Roman Artbook. 
It also strongly looks like they may share a border also with Zaibach, although the filmbooks just say they are in the vanguard in the attack against them. That was my idea without looking at the books anyway since they are attacked by them in that camp and once the main force arrives to the same place and then they practically fight to invade Zaibach already! 
There is a bit of a mystery of Zaibach general Adelphos, too, who is impatiently waiting for the orders to attack “the alliance filth” that he believes can be easily defeated. After this scene, we are shown Allen and the alliance main force still in Asturia, so it seems Adelphos could have meant these Cesarians? 
So, from all this, it would seem to me the main forces of Zaibach and the Alliance have gathered on the border between Cesario and Zaibach although it does not say explicitly that in the canon.
And what did I do with this for the fic? Well, we currently (as of chapter 16) find ourselves in Cesario. For a quick recap, Van escaped Fanelia with Hitomi, and, followed by a Zaibach squad headed out north. They got as far as Cesarian forests, where they were reunited with Crusade who had visited Fanelia shortly after their escape and started searching for them. And here is where they come across the Cesarian elite squad. 
I just sketched those characters vaguely in my head but I wanted to make them, you know, elite knights who are admirable for their strength but also kind of scary, especially to a POV character like Hitomi. Van leaves with them on their leviship that is also a pride of Cesarian army. Anyway, this elite force is also present in the questioning of the prisoners from chapter 16, again, I’m not too explicit due to POVs used, but obviously, when Van arrived to the camp up north with them, they planned their actions together and they will continue to be together for a while. 
We’ll see how much detail I’ll include about these guys in the next few chapters. Regarding Cesario itself, I imagine a pretty big country. Because I imagine Zaibach (including conquested land) as even bigger and if these guys are able to hold the candle to them, they probably aren’t little or weak either. Since we are coming up north, I imagined a lot of forests but also increasingly mountains. I also made them more technologically advanced than the medieval designs suggest; simply because they are close to Zaibach and these things tend to spill over the borders, unless you are a really isolated country. And if you’re waging a war against such an advanced enemy, technological progress becomes a matter of your survival. So yeah, after few years, these guys will not be so easily wiped out as they describe in the episode 25 scene.
The scene showed in the anime shows bare stone landscape that looks similar to what we see of Zaibach, but I decided it is just that particular area. Alliance is trying to make a breach from a different point, and the sceneries will be much different there. Bit of it was already revealed through Hitomi’s eyes when they make a stop in the Cesarian city. Allen rides to send a message to his king (I was not explicit but this is what he did there) and Crusade is refueling a bit. Hitomi makes some observations of the land and the city. 
Another bit is the camp and the mountainous border that we explore from both sides in chapter 16. I imagine pretty bleak (but beautiful) mountains and snow plains. Similar to the background of this blog, actually, one of the reasons I picked it! By the way, we will spend some more time here, so I will use Cesario as a playground some more!
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rev-wrath · 1 month ago
The magpie is crashing into your theatre, to throw the fic idea at you.
So, the first part would consist of Batdevil + R who are all not into the vigilante/violence of stuff yet. R works at a bartender in a bar at NYC. Bruce is there as part of a training thing or a business thing (this depends on if I want to lean more into Battinson or not). On a Friday R meets Matt (and Foggy) and Matt and R hit it off. On a Monday, R meets Bruce and they too, hit it off. This continues for several weeks until Matt and Bruce come into the bar at the same time. And the three of them most likely went to wherever the hell Bruce is staying to have a wild night.
It starts off like that, but they're very blurred lines. Bruce prolongs his stay at NYC because he feels as though these two can understand him. And like. all three of them have experience in sparring, so it's not a stretch to have them release some pent up energy through spars, even if R doesn't particularly love to do it.
They all end things amicably bc Matt's going to be busy doing lawyer stuff, Bruce has to go back to Gotham, and R doesn't do attachment. Matt does promise R that he would visit often. And they all still exchange phone numbers.
The second part starts up with a time skip. (Ten years? fifteen? depends on how long Bruce is going to be training + when he's going to be Batman). It's R and their weird-ass Assassin ancestors talking to each other and convincing them to go to the League of Assassins. Thoughts of Bruce and Matt are the furthest thing from their mind, but Bruce and Matt think of R + each other often. Maybe they think more about R because they seemingly disappeared. Kidnapped. Maybe they spent years secretly searching for a trace of them?
Anyways, R goes to the League, sees that it is absolutely not a Brotherhood they/their ancestors built, and kind of. Steam rolls through. Half-adopts Damian on the way bc this tiny child reminds their ancestors of their own children??? And then the two of them go to Gotham (bc after the whole activating the Isu device to save the earth from a huge solar flare but in return releasing an evil Isu woman named Juno, I assume the JL and whatever big name Marvel superhero group tidied everything up and got rid of Juno and had a Piece of Eden/Apple of Eden somewhere) bc their fucked up arm told them that that's where the Apple is. Surprise, surprise, it's in the Batcave. Somewhere here, R kills someone in front of Batman.
For Matt's part, R drops back to NYC after not having been there for years (in case anyone recognises them) bc they've been hearing stuff about Abstergo/the Templars being there and having the shroud of Eden in their hands. So they go off to intercept it before it can get to Abstergo at the docks. Daredevil is there, and recognises R in an instant. (Damian is there? Maybe?). R assassinates the guards/men without a hesitating or breaking a sweat.
I guess the end of the second part would be the three of them meeting? Maybe Bruce chases after this mysterious assassin to NYC and steps into the Devil's territory?
And then the third part would be the three of them sorting things out? (God, this has devolved into a three part series AND an epilogue.)
This is your fic so very much your nest still, birdie. But welcomed nonetheless.
I was about to say how specific the days are for the first meeting of Matt and Bruce but it’s nearly back to back so that’s probably the reason. The several weeks of Matt and Bruce coming in separately sounds so fun. Plus Matt and Bruce finally meeting and interacting. And then there’s the after obviously.
That’s fair. But does Matt ever actually follow up on that promise?
It’s funny, cause technically if they ever wanted to, Matt and Bruce could have just, visited each other. It’s not like they don’t know who the other is or where to find them. Bruce, at least, would probably try to secretly find them.
R’s ancestors are what brings them to Damian and sort of back to Bruce. So they just tear apart the League? Or they rebuild it after? Bruce would try to keep the Apple. For whatever reason. Does R know who Bruce/Batman is in relation to Damian and leave him with Bruce? Does R know that Bruce is Batman?
I don’t have much to add other than Matt realizing who’s at docks will be fun!
That would make the most sense for Bruce to follow. At least in that time frame. Otherwise he would probably have to figure out it’s R and/or what R was doing, Apple/Eden stuff, and follow for information.
Sorting things out with themselves and everything R was doing. (I don’t think this was the short fic I had in mind but close enough?)
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kit-williams · 1 year ago
Hi decided to actually make a masterlist because it's probably for the best.
Things to know: I will write from a mainly female pov/perspective and it will for the most part be monogamous hetro relationships (in the terms of genitals) I won't do fxf or mxm or trans because that's not how I grew up and I'm god awful at writing homosexual sex (genderbend I can do) Another no: Adultry/cheating/spouse(or partner) thievery
Asks are open
Come buy me a coffee
Number of asks waiting to be answered: 15
My Ao3 (I havent updated a story on there since like 2016 I'm scared to even let ya'll see it but I might post the AU on there)
So I mainly write Halo, Runescape, and Warhammer 40k but here I've only been posting my Warhammer 40k and D&D au
So expect a lot of polls because it helps focus my ADHD ass
Also Fanart is ALWAYS allowed! Just Tag me!
Poll Storage Pheromone Spray part 2 Husbandry lewdness poll First Kiss part 3 How to tag the lewd poll probably going with carnal bond Should momrad include skin tone WIP poll Help momrad focus on what to write Ones ready to be typed Adhd helper poll
Warhammer 40k
The D&D AU
The Yandere Black Templar and Flesh Tearer
The Yandere Space Marine Masterlist
Story Vault until I know where to put these stories/how to categorize them
The boys and their darlings
This is not Canon mini masterlist
Primarchs masterlist
Pheromone Spray 1 2
Bonus Zul Spray
Song Inspiration
First Kiss 1 2 3
Typhus fleas 1 2
Baseline hitting on the darlings
Varial the insatiable
Lamenters devouring
Raven in the belfry
Child in the Eyrie
First Words Can Damn You
The black rut
Lucius the Eternal plus art
A little bit of life
Ovulation fic: Gadriel
Warhammer Fantasy
Dangerous Druchii pending
Warhammer 40k & COD
The COD Integration mini-masterlist
Demon Prince/Bloodthirster Graves
The 40k au
How does Horangi spend the thrones? Horangi focused
Lieblings König focused
Spirit Halloween Ghost focused
Hey Kiddo Price focused
Where do babies come from reply
Hail to the King Black Templar König
Everyone is space elves
The mud pit cope fic
Hot Chocolate cope fic König focused
Missing the Bairn cope fic Soap focused
Zombie cope fic Ghost focused
He scares me Nikto focused happens before the Soap one
It's a wonderful life CODHoliday2023 fic angst-comfort Ghost
Age hcs/boys ages
Random romantic thing I wrote
Tanz mit mir Regency Au songfic
Most of it is on my Ao3
The eventual bringing over that one non con I wrote pending
I have to edit it
The #I wrote something for my tumblr can help too
Sentience base off of lancer but I really just like the Balor
Baby fluff
barn anon/Tales from the Barn/Space Marine Husbandry Sentience
I will rename this when I can sit and think of better titles for them
Space Marine Husbandry Sentience Plot Beats
Space Marine Husbandry Sentience Mini Master List
51 more Space Marine Husbandry Sentience & Tales from the Barn
Hey Look another Space Marine Husbandry Mini Masterlist
Golden Apotheosis
avoiding bonds and eye contact
Favorite Wretch
Dischorus and Caracuss
Sentience Lore: Warp Fuckery
Weight of the Worlds
Insanity seems to follow...
Anrir Husbandry
Home for the Holiday
Reverse Husbandry AU
Reverse Husbandry Gabriel
Reverse Husbandry Headcanon
Reverse Husbandry Emperor
Sanguinius and Glitter
Gabriel and his sick human
Human Husbandry?
Primarchs in the reverse world
Gaius flees
Judgement from the Lord of Iron
Seeing things
Funny stuff/Fan art
Ovaries Stolen meme
Fan art by bispecsual
Blood Angel Gabriel meme
ZUL by moodymisty
Angron Post Surgery expression
Fan art by c-u-c-koo anon of Plague Witch
Apollo and Dodgeball
Plague Witch part 2 by c-u-c-koo anon
Apollo by greenarsonist
Aurora by greenarsonist
Marine Meat Monday Zul by moodymisty
Penelope and Peterbunbun by Egrets-not-regrets
Fluffuary master list
Fluffuary rules
Story list
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bodysnatch3r · 2 months ago
putting this under a read more because i have nowhere else to put it. this ended up being long! mostly i am Processing.
i think what's fucking me up about veilguard being so polarising is that i have no way to make my own value judgement. i can't play it, at all, full stop. consoles are expensive, i live paycheck-to-paycheck and realistically speaking cannot even begin to think about buying a current gen console until well into 2025. i was saving up and then in june shit happened and those savings had to be used for something else and my stipend got reduced by a couple dozen pounds and the bills went up. so it goes.
i do not want to watch someone play it because it is just antithetical to how i relate to dragon age as media, and besides anyone posting playthroughs is inundated with critical comments. and the result is that the usual mechanisms i have against brainworms concerning certain types of critical statements—knowing i can fall back on my own experiences with the games and my own judgements of where the writing succeeded or didn't, what story am i trying to tell through these interactive games, how do i reconcile it with the story the devs were trying to tell, where does it diverge, etc.—are totally inaccessible to me.
this would have been fine, i think, if the fandom consensus i've been seeing hadn't been mostly "either you hate it or love it with no in between. and if you think the opposite of me you are Stupid". which. well i guess ten years in the fandom have taught me Nothing. but i digress.
i would have been fine, because i know from experience that i am often satisfied with scraps that others may find lacking—for example, i think dai quickly dropping and flattening the mage/templar conflict into a couple of missions in the hinterlands was fine, because we have several books that hint at and deal with the larger-branching consequences of da2. much of my fan experience is, generally, concerned with where i can "fill in the blanks" because that is what interests me the most. i thrive in the corners and margins. the less i know, the more i can take what canon gives us and run.
plus, over the years i have developed a tendency to meet bioware where they are at. past experience in creative industries has really shown to me how stifling any form of artmaking can be in a corporate environment, and i know that right now the blame as to why we got veilguard and not joplin is being passed around like a hot potato, but the truth of the matter is, we will never know beyond the fact that bioware management is beholden, like all companies, to the "number go up" capitalist doctrine, no doubt reinforced by their parent company ea. and that, at least following the failure of anthem and andromeda (but i suspect from even earlier, as david gaider has said), bioware has been the ugly duckling of ea's roster. (as an aside, i would love to know who in ea has such a soft spot for bioware, that they allowed them to continue on following those massive failures.)
what i am trying to say is, i have been struggling so much with something i had managed to heal myself from, precisely because the one coping mechanism that does work for me (stewing in the source material) is totally inaccessible to me. so i have all of this antsy, nervous, conflicted energy, exacerbated by my own obsessive tendencies and the fact that sometimes having a childhood hyperfixation return full force as an adult just really fucking sucks when my personality is prone to regressing into harmful thought patterns and behaviours—is it as bad as people are saying? will it be a massive disappointment when i finally do play it? should i even like it when apparently it is such a slap in the face to the fans?—and nowhere to put it.
i kind of preferred it when we all thought this game was just never going to come out and i had made peace with it.
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chaos-has-theories · 11 months ago
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It's here! My TLT Hemospectrum chart. Turns out I'd even finished the description, it just needed light editing.
One day I said to my roommate "Gideon is just so rustblood coded" and then I said "Harrow is definitely a blue blood" and three days later I had this. I'm… sorry? But don't get me wrong, I am deadly serious. THE BUTTS (colors) MATCH
Blank Hemospectrum chart by Rotommowtom, found here. Explanation/Image ID below.
Let's start from the bottom, shall we?
Gideon Nav: candy-red Images: GtN cover; astrological cancer symbol/Sign of the Signless; the scratched out Ninth on Gideon's chapter skull Text: "incongruously red hair" "mutant blood" "the Signless" Additional lines to Rust Class (for her servitude) and Bronze class (for her specific colors)
And, well. She's lesbian Jesus. Just like Karkat and Kankri. Sth sth Gideon's first act being unlocking her cuffs sth the sign of the signless sth Gideon on that fence vs the Sufferer in his Saint Sebastian getup. Quoth also my roommate: "Gideon wearing glasses and her hood is like Karkat greytyping"
Gideon is incredibly Rustblood-coded. Just look at her eyes and hair and the colors on her book.
But it really is no more than coding. Because very clearly, she's actually mutant candy-red! The Signless. She grows up without a Lusus parents and she is treated as a mutant and an outcast by the Ninth House. She's assumed to be at the bottom of the barrel when really she should be all the way at the top.
Rust Class: Second House Text: "A very common class, often used to serve and protect Highbloods, often has jobs tailored to Janitorial work, sometimes has Psychic Abilities" "Second-styled Cohort all scarlet and white" Title: Ranked Captain
The actual Rustbloods. Have you ever looked through the Dramatis Personae of GtN and noticed that the 2nd have seemingly no inherited title* whatsoever? Yeah. And obviously, their house color is red. Plus, compare how Judith only ever thinks she has any kind of cachet around the rest of the houses, even though her one attempt to pull rank fails miserably. ("A cohort captain don't rank higher than a Third official.")
(*Judith does get adressed as "Lady Judith" by Teacher once. Draw your own conclusions, but I think that might be generic towards a house heir with no other titles.)
Bronze Class: Fifth or Seventh? Text: "Are often Gifted with the Ability to Commune with Animals" "brown, long coated suit" (fifth); "'I agree', said her bronze statue of a cavalier" (seventh)
Gold Class: Eighth House Text: "Very often has Psychic Abilities, Often used as External Power Sources" "soul siphoner" "mustard blood" "mayonnaise uncle"; "Nona's eyes were a deep, warm gold" Title: Master Templar
This one I'm the most unclear on. By House colors, it would have to be the Fifth, but I also have reasons to place them higher up in the chart.
Additionally Protesilaus (non-puppeted version ) gets described as "bronzed and vigorous" and a "bronze statue" three times in row. As we've already seen with Gideon, though, I suspect that necros and their cavs can be placed in different Classes. There's 12 of them, after all, and only 9 Houses. I'm inclined to give this one to Pro, and maybe even Dulcie - she and Tavros have at least the wheelchair in common.
This is the one that struck me with lightning and had me go down this rabbit-hole in earnest. "Often used as external power sources". Did you mean: Soul Siphoning?
And: Gold blood gets derogatorily described as "mustard blood" on multiple occasions. Mayonnaise uncle, anyone?
Note that I'd consider placing Silas higher up on his own, but he patently does not have a noble title. Even Teacher just calls him "Master Octakiseron". Still, I've got a tentative line up to Teal for his "justice of the tome".
Olive Class: The Sixth Text: "Rarely having Psychic abilities. The Middle Class."; "nice normal olive" Title: Master Warden
There's an extra line here, linking Alecto's golden eyes to the idea of an external power source. (And Gideon's, of course. There's a theme about only the cavalier characters being Golden.)
Also, while one of the Third House colors is Gold, I have good reason to keep them further up this pyramid. In any case, it's mostly Corona who gets described as the "golden twin" (in GtN). See also this on the question of whether Corona has been used as Ianthe's power source since birth.
Jade Class: Fifth House? Text: "Oddly a very rare class. Tends to the Mother Grub and assists young grubs" "A strong relationship with both Tettares and Chatur" Title: Lady (and Seneschal) of Koniortos Court
This one was a bit more difficult, but Camilla is described as having "olive skin" twice (those being the only uses of the word in all three books). Also, just vibes-based, I asked around, and this was the result.
More importantly, maybe: "the middle class". You will find that noone below this line has a noble title, while everyone above does. Yes, everyone.
Slightly unclear here, except that Magnus and Abigail have the strongest parent vibes I've ever seen. Their whole house uses those parent vibes as political weapons, okay. Lipsticks, chainsaws, and how the fifth "skinned itself over with such airs of civilization…but they were spirit talkers, and speakers to the dead. And the dead were savage." Relatedly: "Abigail Pent blazed like a flare from a blue and Alien sun…. Abigail was soaking wet, wreathed in hot mistlike shimmers by spirit magic… A reek hit Harrow like a faceful of snow: water, brine, blood." Compare that to Kanaya's shiny rainbow drinker form.
I am also having thoughts about Nona being called a "green thing". Sth sth mother grub, and the ability to repopulate humanity.
Teal Class: Seventh House Text: "Often Legislacerators, and often deals with judicial issues"; "Her dress was a (concoction) of seafoam" Title: Duchess (and Knight) of Rhodes
See also sth sth representation of disabilty as seen in both Dulcie and Terezi, and potentially even how Cytherea causes Gideon's death, while Dulcie tells Harrow that she might still be saved. Compare to Terezi killing and then saving Vriska to save everyone… le shrug, as the kids say.
Colorwise perfectly correct, and a Duchess definitely belongs into the Bluebloods.
I don't know what to think about the "Judicial Issues" - hence the uncertain line connecting to Silas and the "judgement of the tome" - but admittedly Cytherea is at Canaan House to mete out her version of justice.
Cerulean Class: Ninth House Images: HtN cover Text: "Sometimes has the Ability to Mind control others"; "'You can control my body,' she said. 'You can read my thoughts.' 'No. Not remotely.'
Somewhat unclear. But the line about whether or not Harrow can control Gideon was always… hm. Is "borrowing perceptions" really so much different from mind reading? Besides, mind controlling Gideon is like Harrow's #1 activity starting in chapter one, even if she does it through considerable planning. And of course once we get into the permeability of the soul, looking at "your most intimate memories" is the least of your troubles.
Anyway, Harrow is just so blue-coded. It's her cover, her vibes, and listen: Teacher and Aiglamene call her "Your Grace". It's the correct style for a Bishop or Archbishop, but it's also solidly intriguing considering it's also used for Duchesses and Kings (real life) and Lyctors (NtN).
Indigo Class: Fourth House Text: "Often possesses high levels of Physical Strength and Nobility"; "blue hood". Title: Baron (and Knight) of Tisis
The Dreadful Teens wear blue. Strength, Nobility, Fidelity, and the Emperor.
Purple Class: Third House Text: "Highest Landdwelling Caste, keeps lowerbloods in check"; "Ianthe's pallid purple irises" Title: Princess of Ida
Violet Class: Third House Text: "Royal bloods that ensure the safety of the empress"; "deep, liquid violet"; "I won't tell her. You can't do this, doll, not now."; "1950s-style human greaser" Title: (Crown) Princess and Prince of Ida
Things get properly interesting here. Because yeah, blah blah, highest titles of the nobility, "royal bloods" and princesses; and Naberius' connection to pre-scratch Cronus Ampora.
But while Coronabeth's eyes consistently get described as "violet", Ianthe's are only ever "purple". Or occasionally "dying violets". "Violets on dialysis." Definitely not true violet, no matter how much Ianthe tries. Also, Ianthe "Gatekeep" Tridentarius loves to keep lowbloods in check. It's like her favorite thing.
To get our purples mixed up even more, it's the Fuchsias that traditionally fight with tridents in Homestuck. Tridents, Tridentarius, Trident Knife. Though of course -
Fuchsia Class: First House Text: "The Ruling Empress, has the power to enforce and influence all castes"; "Necromancer Divine, King of the Nine Renewals, our Resurrector, the Necrolord Prime" Title: The Emperor
Do I really need to explain that? He's the Emperor. Of course he's at the top of the pyramid. His "Stop" spell thingy is just the cherry on top. What else could there be to say?
…I'm SO glad you asked. Cherub time!
Alecto: Lime Green Images: green cherub spiral Text: "The dominant personality will then completely consume the other, integr8ting it in such a way that only one is left."; "Muse of Space"
John Gaius: Candy Red Text: "I mastered Death, Harrowhark; I wish I'd done the smarter thing and mastered Time."; "Lord of Time"
Aaaand that's it! Thank you most kindly for reading all this, and if you have any questions, ideas, or frustrated noises to make, come scream at me please :D
I've talked about this before, but John and Alecto are absolutely a Lord of Time/Muse of Space duo. Active vs Passive, life vs death, and the process of a cherub maturing is eerily like Lyctorhood.
There's been plenty of theorizing on whether John actually does control time. Personally I don't think so, but it's certainly suggestive! And if John's the metaphorical mutant red, it's exactly what passed on to Gideon ("lipochrome. recessive") while the lime green neatly ties Alecto back to her "green and breathing thing".
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kimyoonmiauthor · 4 months ago
Still working on worldbuilding clothing...
since I make clothing and finding clothing anthro books was difficult, but I did find a few. Anyway, a really quick note here about cloaks and capes.
Stop writing them on the battlefield. You've agreed to have the battle at high noon. And you think it looks cool because you went to a Ren faire once. Plus they look so awesome on screen. Stop there.
Sit yourself down and tell yourself no. I have a vendetta.
No contemporary-to-the times pictures or accurate paintings has anyone on a battlefield with a cloak or a cape. Why? Because you're asking yourself to get killed. WTF is wrong with you. This is similar to long flowing loose hair in battle that's about to blow into your face before the cold of a sword slits your damned throat because some enemy saw you being an idiot and going I look so fucking cool out here in my long trippable cloak.
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Have you worn a damned cape in your life? It can take up to 20 minutes to find where your hand can escape the material. Have you realized how easily that blowing around cape in the wind can be grabbed and yanked? Say goodbye to a limb. Have you tripped on a cloak or a long piece of clothing in your life? Plus if you bluster one about, whipping it in the air, you're blocking visibility for your companions. Like WTF are you doing? If the enemy doesn't kill you, then your companions might for annoying them.
Cloak/cape on a battlefield will get you killed. I've been thinking about this for quite a while. Remember, you aren't writing for a damned movie, you're writing for a book, which should have higher accuracy like don't get killed in two seconds. And I'm saying most movie tropes will get you killed in two seconds in real life.
Man time traveled to the 12th century, decided that he should join the army and supply his own sweeping cloak. Bell tolls. He died that day trying to look cool swinging around the cloak like the village fool to block arrows and after the enemy grabbed him by the cloak and tugged him off his horse and a thousand arrows came flying at him because he decided to make himself a shining target on an open field by making his horse rear, forcing both of his hands to engage the reins. Ah Chad, loved movies, but not geek enough to realize he should have studied history instead.
Most cloaks and coats for soldiers were for traveling only and did not exceed below the knees. Longer cloaks/capes were for merchants. And the longest ceremonial cloaks/capes were for the King, Queen and court. I guarantee the only pictures you get of say the Knights Templar with long sweeping cloaks are from the 19th century onward from the Pre-Raphaelite movement. And 19th century artists aren't to be trusted on that sort of thing.
Maximize what a book can do! One of which is up practical accuracy while ignoring visuals! It does not have to look good. You're writing a damned book.
BTW, Swords also don't make sound when they are swung unless you have a crap sword. Do you have a crap sword? Schwing isn't not a thing. Fists can make sound if punching fast enough Martial arts style, but not as loud as the movies and usually only high black belt level. But yeah, get rid of those capes and cloaks on the battlefield.
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thenixkat · 2 months ago
Listen, as a Batman hater and Ted Kord/Blue Beetle 2 fan I feel really fucking strongly about the notion of Bruce vs Ted.
If Ted can hold his own against Bruce with an arrow in his leg and while bring brainwashed with Bruce admitting that Ted gave him a run for his money (JLA issues 26-27), Ted can beat Bruce in a fight with equal prep time with zero injuries or other impairments pre-battle.
Plus Ted has better tech than Bruce.
The Bug can fly at 600 mph with antigrav tech completely silently and built to withstand the vacuumed of space, the crushing pressure of deep under water, and swim through magma under the Earth also unbothered by the pressure. It can also teleport, grab other vehicles, and shoot heat rays. Its made to be able to maneuver through narrow alleys between buildings.
Ted's BB gun in addition to the flash was also later modified to shoot compressed air blast capable of knocking out a rhino and also more rays.
Plus Ted isn't opposed to shooting a bitch with a real gun if he feels its necessary. Ted Kord straight up does not have a no killing code, he'd end a bitch if he felt it was necessary and wouldn't loose much sleep over it. He also wouldn't go full totalitarian dictator over it unlike a certain Bat themed someone. Like yes, there's like one or so alternate timelines where goes Knight Templar (and takes out all super beings through his smarts, skills, and the power of friendship) but we've got more aus where bad timeline Ted is fighting against tyranny unlike Batman who's frequently just bad day from Knight Templar shit full time.
Plus Ted has better social skills so he has access to the power of friendship and has demonstrated the ability to charm folks onto his side, even if they happen to be fighting for serious stakes. (Convergence: Blue Beetle)(Dark Multiverse: Countdown to Infinite Crisis)
'But Bruce Wayne is richer' Bruce is a fucking old money trust fund baby, Ted built up his own fucking company and wealth.
'But Ted keeps going bankrupt' And in spite of that he keeps becoming a billionaire again shortly after because his tech is just that damn good and he's good at charming people to invest in him again inspite of the risk.
It pains me how much of the knowledge about Ted Kord that average person knows comes from the series where he was literally out of character the entire time (Justice League International/America and all derived media like Superbuddies and Blue & Gold) becuase the writers of said series wanted to paint him as a joke because they felt that his character was super derivative and they refused to do research on him and their primary joke was painting him as a broke, fat, loser.
Y'all motherfuckers better do as deep a fucking dive in researching Ted Kord as I did b4 yall try to sit up here and tell me that Ted Kord with zero impairments and equal preptime would lose a fucking fight to fucking Bruce Wayne. I don't give a shit how much fucking plot armor every damn writer at DC likes to give Batman or how much they refuse to let his bat-themed ass lose properly b/c him and Superman are the fucking Main Characters of the DC universe, Bruce Wayne is not fucking beating Ted Kord in a fair fight.
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